Overview News
02. July 2024

Women strengthen Cambodia's ICT industry - Girls in ICT Day

This year again, Sisters of Code joined the global movement to empower girls and young women in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) by celebrating the International Girls in ICT Day. With the theme of Leadership," the Sisters of Code hosted this event on April 20th, 2024, that brought together over 60 girls. International Girls in ICT Day was established by the International Telecommunication Union and is celebrated in over 150 countries around the world, to promote girls' and young women's involvement in IT. 


Igniting Leadership and Passion

The event featured three incredible guest speakers, each sharing their unique journeys in the tech industry:


Mrs. Kim Tol Tan, Founder & CEO of Grow4Growth Consultant: Mrs. Tan's interactive session went beyond inspiration and included some practical activities. Under her guidance, participants actively reflected on their leadership abilities and explored possibilities for personal development.

Mrs. Fat Si Em, Head of Transportation Planning & Optimization at a Telecom Company: Mrs. Em's story wasn't just hers to tell. She was joined by her daughter, creating a powerful double dose of inspiration! Mrs. Em's perseverance as the only woman in her field since 2009 resonated deeply with the audience. Now she is managing a team of network engineers that are all male. She has two children. Her message to believe in yourself, be kind to people, and create a supportive environment is an amazing example of female leadership in tech in Cambodia.


Pius Frick, LED Country Coordinator in Cambodia pointed out the importance of Sisters of Code: "Strong gender stereotypes and adverse circumstances continue to make it difficult for Cambodian young women to get excited about technology. That's why Sisters of Code is so important – they inspire, encourage, and provide a safe space for personal and technical education. The Sisters of Code are a network of committed women in technical professions who open the door for up-and-coming women in tech. The importance of such role models cannot be overstated. It's great what the Sisters of Code are doing!"