LED starts cooperation for seconding experienced personnel from Liechtenstein
Press release (Original in German)
Image caption: Experienced professionals from Liechtenstein have the opportunity to apply for a development cooperation assignment in countries of the Global South. (Pictures: mfG by Comundo).
LED launches cooperation for seconding professionals from Liechtenstein
From January 2025, people residing in Liechtenstein will have the opportunity to apply for secondments to countries in the Global South. This initiative is offered by the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) in cooperation with the Swiss NGO Comundo, which ensures professional support.
(Schaan, 30 December 2024) The Liechtenstein Development Service (LED, German abbreviation) and Comundo have launched a programme to send a limited number of skilled personnel from Liechtenstein to countries in the Global South. The programme is aimed at motivated and experienced professionals from various sectors who are willing to work in the Global South for at least two years. Interested parties can get in touch with the LED directly for initial contact. The currently available assignments can be found on the Comundo website www.comundo.org.
(Photo: Comundo)
New partnership with Comundo
As a state bilateral donor, the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED has) been promoting and financing development cooperation projects since 1965. It ran its own programme for sending specialist personnel, which was came to an end in the course of the COVID pandemic. The issue of sending personnel has now been taken up again with the specialised partner organisation Comundo. Comundo is the largest organisation for personnel development cooperation in Switzerland and also acts as an institutional partner of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It ensures professional structures for the deployment of specialist personnel in the Global South.
Contact person at LED: Julia Heeb, julia.heeb@led.li, phone +423 222 09 77.
Media contact: Alexandra Ospelt, LED Communication, 078 705 9336