Overview News
17. September 2024

Racky Bilele Ba is the new LED representative in Senegal

Racky Bilele Ba


Welcome to the LED, Racky Bilele Ba! Racky is now working as a representative for the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) in Senegal. She represents the LED vis-à-vis national ministries, other bilateral donors, institutions and local and international NGOs. She will ensure close monitoring of the LED partners' projects and help to identify potential new fields of intervention and partner organisations. Racky, born and raised in Senegal, is married and has two children. She studied German language and literature in Dakar (SEN) and sociology in Konstanz (DE). Most recently, she worked for a large development bank as a portfolio coordinator in the areas of vocational training, land law, digitalisation and budget support. In the years before that, she worked at the German Embassy in Dakar in the areas of communication, culture and domestic policy.