Overview News
29. August 2024

LED supports agroecology project in Tanzania

Together with international organisations, the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) is participating in the Rescomm II project, which supports farmers in Tanzania in developing into an efficient and prosperous farming community. Food security and quality in everyday life are central to this. Proven agroecological methods are the way to achieve this goal.


The ResComm II project area in the Dodoma region is known for droughts and poor soil quality. Almost 40% of children under the age of five are malnourished. Only half of the households have tap water, and around 40% of households have to walk 60 minutes to the nearest water access point or well. Extreme weather events lead to massive damage to livestock farming and crop failures. Income falls below the subsistence level across the board. These extreme burdens lead to a vicious circle from which farmers can hardly escape without external support and specific knowledge.


Participatory research into drought-resistant production methods

The online edition of the Tanzanian newspaper ‘Prince Media TZ’ reported on the launch of ResCommII on 19 April this year and presented the project with LED participation. The LED project manager Patrik Aus der Au was on site and is confident that this project will improve the quality of life of the participating farmers, their families and the entire region. According to Prof. Anthony Whitbread, project manager of the partner organisation ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), at least 900 households will have a better income and significantly more food security over the course of the project.

This will be achieved thanks to joint research into suitable approaches and their application with farmers in the region. They will learn how to deal with the effects of drought and gain expertise in rearing livestock. The project approach focuses on a combined crop-livestock farming system and ensures that the target groups receive practical, everyday expertise on keeping livestock.


The LED supports this project together with its partner Biovision. As the central partner organisation, ILRI coordinates the participants such as the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), the Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI) and Sustainable Agriculture (SAT)