Inquiries about food security - private school formatio visits LED
The examination of the topic of «zero hunger» led Lea Baumgartner and Timo Marxer from the Liechtenstein private school formatio to the office of the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) in Schaan on June 21. After a short welcome by Claudia Foser-Laternser, member of the LED management, project manager Cheikh Mbacke Gueye was pleased to have the opportunity to explain the complex field of tension of "No Hunger", the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG or in German sustainable development goal) number 2, to the interested students of the upper secondary school. Cheikh Mbacke Gueye, who also lectures at the University of Liechtenstein, was completely in his element and the two young people were visibly inspired after the meeting. They aimed to find out how LED, as a professional organization, actively contributes to food security in its partner countries, for example by promoting sustainable agriculture or targeted education initiatives and research & development. The human right to food (enshrined in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and the impact of the Ukraine war on the global food situation came up. Lea Baumgartner and Timo Marxer will share and discuss their newly gained insights with their classmates at the private school in Triesen.
See media links (in German only)
Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, 24 June 2022
Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 24 June 2022
Caption from left to right: Claudia Foser-Laternser, member of the LED management, Timo Marxer and Lea Baumgartner, students of the formatio private school, and Cheikh Mbacke Gueye, project manager at LED.