Overview News
18. June 2024

In Memory of Robert Allgäuer

Robert Allgäuer in 2014 


Robert Allgäuer (1937-2024) left many traces of solidarity, in particular through the founding of various organisations that are still very important today. Together with Gerard Batliner and Emil Heinz Batliner, he was one of the founding fathers of the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED). He shaped the LED for decades and was a member of the Foundation Board from 1965-1974. From 1965 to 1972, he also set up and managed the LED's secretariat and accounts. Robert Allgäuer was well read, a visionary thinker, an excellent observer, an accurate commentator, a visionary initiator, a brilliant source of inspiration and supporter. We remember his solidarity and tireless commitment to development cooperation. His lifelong commitment and work for the Global South will be an example to us all.