Overview News
19. August 2024

Erfolgreiches Projekt CREATIVO geht in die zweite Runde

Closing event of CREATIVO 1 in May 2024 


The Liechtenstein Development Service (LED), the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova and the Center for Entrepreneurship Education and Business Assistance (CEDA) signed a cooperation agreement on 31 July to mark the start of the CREATIVO 2 project.


This marked the start of the second phase of the CREATIVO project, which aims to align the training programmes even more closely with the requirements of the labour market and support entrepreneurial initiatives. This phase will be implemented in close cooperation with selected centres of excellence. The project will enable them to advise other vocational schools on the development of further training courses and business ideas. In addition, the development of a digital platform will give all vocational schools access to important resources and support services to enable them to plan and implement entrepreneurial activities - even beyond the project.


From 2022 to 2023, a total of around 1100 vocational school students have benefited from the Creativo training programmes and have been involved in the creation of demand-oriented products or services. Of these students, 475 have found a job so far. Overall, the employment rate of young people (aged 15-24) in the country has risen from 37% in 2019 to 42.9% in 2023. The LED project has also contributed to this nationwide increase.


Back in May 2024, our project partner CEDA invited all participating project partners to a joint closing event for the first phase of the CREATIVO project. The results of the project are remarkable in that the schools have succeeded in combining vocational training with entrepreneurial activities. In this way, vocational students not only acquire technical skills, but also develop an entrepreneurial spirit and better opportunities for sustainable integration into the labour market,’ affirms Oxana Poverjuc, LED country coordinator in Moldova.